Customer Stories
FROM building a water-tight cargo billing automation solution for a national carrier to prevent erroneous invoicing and load mismatch TO migrating a legacy staff travel system for a 14000 employee full service carrier on to web and mobile...
we've always focused on tech transformation that benefits the business

Cabin crew mobility solution
ASIAN FULL SERVICE CARRIERAn OS-agnostic super-app for cabin crew was built to keep them in sync with duties, tasks, checklists, flight, pax, logistics and crew info, down to each leg; with a plug-in for in-flight sales and ancillary revenue. In-app docs and forms enhanced crew productivity; the app worked offline and sync'd with cloud-based application on ground that worked with Flight Reporting System, Crew, Catering and Logistics

Migrating from legacy to web & mobile
ASIAN CARRIERPlanned migration of a legacy staff travel system for 14000 employees generating 180000 tickets a year, from Client Server tech to a web and mobile; adding a host of smart features like smart expense claims management and 1-1, 1-many, many-1 in-app communication

Launch of an airline
AFRICAN NATIONAL CARRIEROffered advisory services on setting up AOC, IOSA safety standards and others, like, cost benefits analyses, power by hour reviews, salary benchmarking, workforce optimisation, implementing new IT systems, building FOQA framework while demonstrating TCO savings

Business Strategy
ASIAN LOW COST CARRIERA leading A320 and 330 operator needed analysis of demand and growth projections by segments to identify ideal city pairs and markets. Advice offered included introducing tech for better customer experience and feedback. Also, upgraded engineering and training standards to enhance quality and safety

KPI-driven flight operations
LEADING ASIAN CARRIERStreamlining operations of the B777 fleet included an integrated solution using multiple methods of reporting. Enabled centralised info collation and control, integrated various isolated pockets into a single information store offering all stakeholders a “single and same view” of reports for collaborative decision making

Digitalising public distribution
KARNATAKA STATE, INDIAAs part of the mandate to harness digital technologies to empower citizens and ensure proper distribution of food grains to citizens, the solution tapped into AADHAAR, India's national biometric identity program and used IoT technology to create Smart PoS, connected weighing scales and biometric scanners